This article will follow step-by-step instructions for selling a gift card.
Preconditions are the necessary settings, permissions, and items created in your software to allow the feature to work.
Must have access to the Gift Card module
Follow the below steps to sell a gift card:
1. Go to the Sales module.
2. Type in "Giftcard" (or the name you have given to your gift card item) into the item search bar to add it to the shopping cart.
3. Fill out the Gift Card Details within the gift card pop up box and click Save. If the pop up box did not automatically display, click on the gift card item in the shopping cart to display the gift card details.
(Note: "Department" and "Category" refer to the department/category that this gift card will be valid for. For example, if you set the department to "Pro Shop," then it can only be redeemed for items in the Pro Shop department. If the customer tries to redeem it on a Green Fee, it will not work. By leaving these fields blank, the gift card is valid for all items.)
4. Complete the transaction to finish selling the gift card.
Q: How do I attach a customer profile to the gift card so that the gift card is linked with that customer?
A: In the gift card pop up box, add the customer in the customer search field. If the customer does not yet exist in the software, select the blue icon next to the customer field to first create them and then add them to the gift card.
Q: Why doesn't the pop up box automatically display?
A: The gift card pop up box will not automatically display if the gift card item is set to auto-generate a gift card number. This can be adjusted within the gift card item in the inventory module.
Q: Can I edit a gift card after it has been sold?
A: Yes, a gift card can be edit after it has been sold. Here is an article that follows step-by-step instructions for editing a gift card after it has been sold.
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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