- Go to the Customers module.
- Search the customer you would like to set up for autopay.
- Click on the action arrow to edit the customer.
- Go to the Billing tab.
A Credit Card or ACH bank account on file is required to enable autopay.
- If there is NO Credit Card/ACH on file, click “Add Credit Card” or "Add Bank Account". This will pull up a separate screen where you can swipe/manually enter in the Credit Card/ACH information that the customer would like on file.
- If there is NO Credit Card/ACH on file, click “Add Credit Card” or "Add Bank Account". This will pull up a separate screen where you can swipe/manually enter in the Credit Card/ACH information that the customer would like on file.
- Click the checkbox that says “Account Autopay Enabled”. This will enable the customer to autopay.
- Under the Account Autopay section and also the Billing Schedule section, you’ll see that it says “No preferred methods”. If neither of these is changed to a preferred method, then the first Credit Card/ACH on file will automatically autopay. If a customer has multiple cards/accounts on file, this is where you would choose which one they would like to autopay with.
Bulk Enabling Autopay
There is a way to set up autopay for a large amount of members at once.
- Access the Customer module
- Use the Groups Dropdown and select a member group
- Use check boxes next to specific members or use the top-most checkbox to select all of the members within the group.
- Next, select Bulk Edit.
- This will open up the bulk edit window. Scroll down to the billing section and checkmark both boxes next to Account Autopay Enabled.
- Finally, select the blue Confirm button.
* There is a setting on each template called "Enable Autopay" this NEEDS TO BE CHECKED in order for a customer to autopay. If a customer is set to autopay, but this is not checked, their card WILL NOT be charged.
**Once you have finished creating a billing template, please reach out to your account manager or our support team to double-check everything before it sends out to your customers.
1 comment
this article say you must have a credit card on file, I have a number of members that only use their bank account and it works fine without having a credit card on file.
so when we have done everything that this article explains, it still does NOT "auto pay" all of our members and does not tell us what to do if it does not work.
we are NOT finding an area in the templates that allow us to enable "auto pay" like the article states, there is only "auto pay" in each members account and in the monthly statement
This who article badly needs to be updated with current/correct information
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