Follow this guide if you want to add a new terminal or edit the settings of existing terminals. Terminals are helpful if you have multiple stations at your course where you're processing transactions. For example, you might have one terminal for the Pro Shop, and another for the Snack Bar.
Preconditions are the necessary settings, permissions, and items created in your software to allow the feature to work.
Must have access to Settings
- Must be an Admin
Follow the below steps to setup terminals:
1. Go to the "Settings" portal > "Sales" tab (on the left) > "Printing and Terminals".
2. Under the "Terminals" section, select "Add" to create a new terminal. To edit an existing terminal, select the drop-down icon on the right and select "Edit".
3. In the "Edit Terminal" screen you can add/edit basic terminal information.
4. Select "Save Changes" in the bottom right hand corner when you're finished.
Listed Below is an explanation of what each terminal setting will do:
Quick Button Tab: Allows you to preselect which tab you start on
Track Cash In Register: When turned to "Yes", this setting will track all cash sales
Multiple Cash Drawers: Allows you to have two cash drawers open
Automatically Print Receipts: This setting will automatically print receipts after sales. (Turning this setting on will also remove the receipt pdf print off screen.)
Use Web Print: This setting must be turned on if trying to print to a foreUP supported printer.
Force HTTPS: Helps printers connect to foreUP
Use Cash Register: When turned "Yes", will allow the software to communicate with your cash drawer to automatically open on cash sales and allow you to manually open the drawer from the POS screen.
Print Tip Line: Allows receipts to have a printed line to sign
Signature Slip Count: Decides how many signature slips you want printed
Credit Card Sales Receipt Print Count: Decides how many receipts you want printed on credit card sales
Non Credit Card Sales Receipt Print Count: Decides how many receipts you want printed on non credit card sales
Auto Email Receipt to Customer: This will automatically email receipts to customers who have an email on file
Do No Print Receipt if Emailed: This will negate the above setting
Require On Screen Signature for Member Balance Payments: Will prompt an on screen signature
Require On Screen Signature for Credit Card Payments: Will prompt an on screen signature
Enable Tips: This will prompt your software to add a tip. (Warning: If using a stripe device this will disable tap to pay)
Enable Tip Collection after CC and Member Balance Payments: Allows Credit Card and Member Balance Payments to add tips
Multi User Cash Logs: Allows multiple people to be logged in and effect a register log at the same time.
After Sale Load: Decides which module you'll load into after a sale is completed?
Enable Ipad Mode: This will tell the terminal to look to connect with ipad devices like a credit card reader
Enable Customer Facing Display: This will allow your ipad to become customer facing after a sale
F&B Terminal: This will allow your F&B module to see recent transactions
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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