This article will teach you how to create an additional tee sheet in the software. This could be used for a Par 3 course, another 9-18 holes, a putting course, and more.
NOTE: Creating a new tee sheet affects many portions of the software. For this reason it is critical to first determine if a new tee sheet is the correct course of action. Creating a new tee sheet is rarely required.
- DO NOT create a new tee sheet for adjustments to your Open and Close time or Pricing.
- If you have a mobile app, please contact foreUP support before creating a new tee sheet.
*If you are unsure whether you should create a new tee sheet, please contact foreUP Support (support@foreup.com) for assistance.*
Preconditions are the necessary settings, permissions, and items created in your software to allow the feature to work.
Access to the following modules:
- Point of Sale
- Settings
Follow the below steps to create a new tee sheet:
1. Go to Settings.
2. Click Tee Sheets.
3. Click 'Add New' in the top right corner of page.
4. Fill out tee sheet information and then click "Save".
Understanding Tee Sheet Information Settings:
- Name: The name that will appear on your 'Tee Sheet'
- Default: The tee sheet marked as 'default' will be the one to open when going to the 'Tee Sheet' page.
- Color: Changes the color of the upper boarder of the tee sheet. This allows for a quick identifier to ensure you are booking on the correct tee sheet.
- Holes: Will the tee sheet be for 9 or 18 holes.
- Increment: How often each tee time starts.
- Time to finish 9 holes: How long will it take to play 9 holes at your course. This tells the tee sheet when they should be beginning play on the back/second 9.
- Online Booking: Do you want this tee sheet to be visible for online booking? If you have two tee sheets marked as yes for online booking the players will be able to select which tee sheet they will be booking on. The drop down under Course will list the tee sheets.
- Online Booking Visible Hours: The online booking page will only be visible within the time listed. This allows for day specific visibility.
- Online Open Time: First available online tee time. This will not override the opening and closing hours of your course, it only tells the system when to make tee times available to people booking online.
- Online Close Time: Last available online tee time.
Days in Booking Window: Allows you to set how many days in advance do you want to allow players to book. Today counts as one day.
- Example: if today is Friday and you want to allow booking to occur on next Friday your booking window would be set to 8.
- Minimum Players: What is the smallest group you will allow to book online? 1, 2, 3 or 4.
- Limit Holes: This will restrict whether players can book either 9 or 18 holes, or either length.
- Online Rates Allowed: Lets you determine if you want to allow riding, walking, or both rates to be purchased online.
- Hide Online Prices: Determines if pricing will be shown online.
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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