This article will outline step-by-step instructions on foreUP's recommended way to issue a raincheck. It will also provide important information regarding the raincheck functionality.
The below conditions must be met in order to issue a raincheck:
- Must have access to the Tee Sheet module
- Must have access to the Sales module
Issue a Raincheck
Important Information
We recommend you issue all rainchecks from the Tee Sheet module. While you can issue a raincheck from the Sales module, we recommend issuing the raincheck from the Tee Sheet by following the below steps. Issuing rainchecks from already checked-in and paid tee times on the tee sheet will allow the software to automatically populate the raincheck credit based on how the customer originally paid.
If you choose to issue the raincheck from the Sales module, you will have to select from a dropdown the appropriate green/cart fee rate, which only increases the chance that the incorrect rate is chosen.
Issue a Raincheck to a Single Golfer
Follow the steps below to issue a raincheck to a single golfer or when you need to issue a raincheck to a group but only one golfer is going to get all of the raincheck credit:
- From the tee sheet, right-click on the already checked-in and paid tee time. From the dropdown, select Issue Rain Check
- The issue rain check box will appear and the Green Fee and Cart Fee dropdowns should automatically be filled in based on how the customer originally paid. The Customer box should also auto-populate with the customer that was on the tee time, as long as a customer from your database was used as seen below
- If a customer name did not populate, you have the ability to fill in the customer name with a customer that already exists in your customer database. We highly recommend you do this to keep a digital copy of the raincheck that will be attached to the customer profile. See FAQ below for more information)
- If you wish to assign an expiration date, fill in that field (see FAQ below for information about how to automatically assign an expiration date to rainchecks)
- Using the Holes Completed dropdown, select the number of holes the customer completed and the software will automatically prorate the raincheck
- You now have the option to issue the raincheck credit as a Rain Check or as a Giftcard. See the important information below about each option:
- Issue as a Rain Check:
- Using this option will mean that the software will restrict that raincheck credit to only being redeemable on future green/cart fees. If a staff member were to try and redeem that Rain Check credit on anything other than a green/cart fee, the software will not let allow it.
- Using this option also means that if there is both Green Fee and Cart Fee credit on the Rain Check, those credits can only be redeemed specifically for those items. {Example: I get a raincheck credit that totals $50 ($40 from the green fee + $10 from the cart fee). If I go to redeem that credit on my next round of golf, I will only have the ability to apply the $40 directly to a green fee and the $10 directly towards a cart fee, meaning, if I elected to walk (only pay for a green fee) my next round of golf, and my total came to $50, though my total raincheck credit is technically $50, it would only apply $40 worth of the raincheck to that walking round of golf.}
- Using this option also means that the Rain Check credit can ONLY BE REDEEMED ONCE. {Example: I get a raincheck credit for $50 and my next round of golf only comes to $40, I can apply my raincheck credit towards that round of golf but I will not be able to use the remaining $10 as raincheck credits issued as Rain Checks are only redeemable once}
- Issue as a Giftcard:
- Using this option will mean that the credit can be redeemed in partial amounts, however, the software will not systematically restrict the staff from being able to only redeem that credit on future green/cart fees, meaning, a staff member could technically take a raincheck credit that was issued as a Giftcard and it on any item sold in your system.
- Issue as a Rain Check:
- Once you are ready to issue the raincheck, select either Issue Rain Check or Issue Giftcard
Issue a Raincheck to a Twosome or Greater
Follow the steps below on how to issue individual rainchecks to a twosome or greater:
- Find the already checked-in and paid tee time on your tee sheet
- Click on the tee time to open up the reservation modal
- Click the Split box and then click Update
- This will split the group tee time into single tee times that will allow you to issue rainchecks individually
- Follow steps 1-8 above to finish issuing the individual rainchecks
Q: When issuing a raincheck as a Rain Check, will a receipt print?
A: Yes, a raincheck receipt will print and at the bottom of that receipt will be the raincheck ID. In order to redeem the raincheck, the customer will need to present that raincheck ID. If the customer loses that receipt, and the raincheck was not attached to their customer profile for a digital copy, the customer will not be able to redeem their raincheck. This is why we highly recommend attaching a customer from your database to all issued rainchecks for a digital copy.
Q: When issuing a raincheck as a Giftcard, will a receipt print?
A: Yes, a raincheck gift card receipt will print and at the bottom of that receipt will be the gift card number (All raincheck credits issued as gift cards will be assigned a number starting with TTID). In order to redeem the raincheck credit, the customer will need to present that gift card number. If the customer loses that receipt, and the raincheck was not attached to their customer profile for a digital copy, the customer will not be able to redeem their raincheck. This is why we highly recommend attaching a customer from your database to all issued rainchecks for a digital copy.
Q: Can I assign an automatic expiration date when issuing raincheck credits?
A: Yes. If you go to the Settings module from your top left module dropdown > click Inventory from the left-side column > you will find a Number of days raincheck is valid field. Whatever number you add to this field will be how many days a newly issued raincheck is valid (Example: I put 365 in this field. This means all of my issued raincheck credits (whether issued as a Rain Check or as a Giftcard) will be valid for 365 days from the date the credit was originally issued/awarded)
Q: How can I look up my unredeemed/outstanding raincheck credits?
A: Click on your module dropdown in the top left and select Reports > Scroll down and select Rainchecks from the lefthand column> Scroll back up to the top of the page and click Run. This report will show you all rainchecks issued as Rain Checks as well as the status of each.
Q: Can I issue individual rainchecks in bulk?
A: No, you currently cannot issue raincheck credits in bulk. Raincheck credits must be issued on an individual basis
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