Bulk editing customers can be a great way to make changes to a mass selection of customers rather than doing it one at a time. This will save you an amazing of time when it comes to managing your customer database.
Preconditions are the necessary settings, permissions, and items created in your software to allow the feature to work.
Access to the Customers Module
- Employee Permission to Bulk Edit Customers
Follow the below steps to bulk edit customers:
- Go to the "Customers" module.
- Select the Customers you wish to edit by clicking the Checkbox just to the left of each of their names.
- Once your desired customers are selected, click the blue "Bulk Edit" button on the bottom right of the Customers page.
- The bulk edit screen will pop up and show you all of the fields you can potentially bulk edit. Simply find the field(s) you wish to edit and click the Checkbox next to that field.
- Once you have finished selecting and editing the fields you wish to bulk edit, click the blue "Confirm" button in the bottom right.
- You will have one last chance to review your bulk edit before you Start the edit.
- Click "Start Edit" in the bottom right once you are ready to start the bulk edit. (Larger edits can take some time to finish)
*Please note that these edits will affect all customers you selected.*
Q: Can I reverse a bulk edit?
A: No. You can not "Reverse" a bulk edit. You would need to run another bulk edit to attempt to undo the changes.
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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