A statement is a “report” of the customer’s account. You cannot charge any new items by creating a statement. If you want to add new charges to an account you’ll need to create an invoice. Existing charges will show on a statement, but you cannot add new ones.
1. Go to the Billing module.
2. Click “New Statement”.
3. First, attach a customer in the top left-hand corner.
4. The second thing you will want to do is edit the start date and end date. For example, if you want a statement of last months charges and it’s currently March, you would change the start date to February 1st and the end date to February 28th. This will show the customer everything they purchased in that month and anything that was charged to their account.
5. Change the “Date Due”. Changing the date due will tell the customer when payments are needed. For example, if a customer last month was charged $100 and you wanted them to pay that by March 15th, you would change the date due to March 15th.
6. You can always add a message, footer or terms & conditions.
7. Before you generate a new statement, click the “Preview” button in the bottom left-hand corner. This will give you a preview of exactly what the statement is going to look like.
8. If everything looks correct, click “Generate”. If you would like to email or print the statement, click the arrow next to generate.
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