This article will outline step-by-step instructions on how to create and apply minimums to your customers/members. As of August 2022, foreUP has updated our minimum functionality and the below steps are how to set up minimums under the new functionality.
The below condition must be met in order to set up a minimum:
- Access to the Billing Premier module (if you click on the module dropdown in the top left, you will see a "Billing" module. If you do not have access to this, please reach out to your Account Manager to discuss adding Billing Premier to your foreUP contract)
The below steps give a general outline of how to create and apply a minimum:
- Create an inventory item
- Create a billing template and mark it as a minimum
- Assign the minimum billing template to the applicable customers/members
Create an Inventory Item
You will need to create an inventory item that you will use as your minimum charge item. This inventory item will be the line item charged to your members on their statement when they do not meet the minimum requirement. See the example below:
To create a new inventory item that will be used as your minimum charge item on your member statements, follow the below steps:
- Click on your top left module dropdown and select "Inventory"
- Once on the Inventory page, click "+New Item" in the top right and select "Retail"
- Fill in the required fields as indicated by a red asterisk:
- Item Name (Please note: whatever you put in this field will be the name of the line item that shows up on your member statements. Common examples: Unmet F&B Minimum, Minimum Charge, F&B Minimum Charge)
- Department
- Category
- Unit Cost (this can be left at $0)
- Unit Price (The unit price will be the total of your minimum. e.g.: If you have a $50 per month minimum, you will put $50 as the unit price)
- If your minimum charge is taxable, be sure to add the appropriate tax name and rate in the tax section
- Click "Save Changes" in the bottom right
Please note: If you have more than one type of minimum (e.g.: single member minimum at $50/month, family member minimum at $75/month, etc.), you will want to repeat the above steps to create an inventory item specific to each type of minimum you have
Create a Billing Template
You will now create a billing template that you will attach the inventory item you just created above to it. Follow the below steps:
- Click on the top left module dropdown and select "Billing"
- Click "New Template" towards the top right
- Set the "Template Name" field at the top as the name of the type of minimum you are setting up (e.g.: Single $50 Monthly Minimum, Family $75 Monthly Minimum)
- Check the box "Disable Statement Generation" (Please note: if you leave this box unchecked, and you assign this billing template to a customer/member, they will likely receive two statements every month since they are already assigned to a different billing template that is set to generate a statement for them)
- Using the search bar under the "Schedule Charges" section, search and select the minimum inventory item you just created in the section above
- Once you have selected the inventory item, you will be prompted to set the charge schedule. Follow the below steps:
- Set the "Schedule" dropdown to your minimum spending period (e.g.: monthly, quarterly, yearly)
- Follow the appropriate steps below depending on your minimum period:
- MONTHLY: If your monthly minimum runs all year, set the "Every" field to "1" months, OR, if your monthly minimum only runs on certain months of the year, select those months under the "On Specified Months" section)
- QUARTERLY: If your quarters run Jan. - March, April - June, July - Sept., Oct. - Dec., select "Mar" so that your settings look like the below (this will allow your members to have all the way to the end of the quarter to meet their minimum requirement):
- YEARLY: If your yearly minimum period follows the calendar year, select "Dec" as seen in the example below (this will allow your members to have all the way to the end of the year to meet their minimum requirement):
- Set the "On Day of the Month" to "Last day of month" and "End of Day". This will allow your members to have all the way until the last day of the minimum period you set above to meet their minimum requirement.
- Click "Save"
- Check the "F&B Minimum" box
- Click "Item Selection" and then select what Departments, Categories, or Subcategories purchases count towards the minimum requirement but you do not need to do all three (e.g.: If the F&B department encompasses all types of items purchased that count towards the minimum requirement, you only need to select that department)
- Click "Save"
- In the "Price" field, set the minimum price requirement (e.g.: If you have a $50/month minimum requirement, put 50 in the price field. If you have a $150/quarter minimum requirement, put $150 in the price field, etc.)
- In the bottom right, click "Save Template"
Repeat the above steps for each type of minimum you may have.
Assigning the Minimum(s) to Customers/Members
Once you have completed the above steps, you are now ready to assign the minimums to your applicable customers/members. To do so, please follow the below steps:
- Click on the top left dropdown and select "Customers"
- Find an applicable customer and open up their customer profile
- Click on the "Billing" tab within that customer's profile
- Once in the Billing tab, and under the "Billing Schedule" box, use the Assign New Schedule search field to type in the name of the minimum billing template you just created in the section above and select that template from the dropdown
- Once you have selected the appropriate billing template, click "Save Changes" in the bottom right
- Your customer/member has now been set up with their minimum requirement
Q: Is there a report I can look at that will show me all of the current minimum statuses of my customers?
A: Yes, go to Reports > New Reporting > Members > Click on the "(New) F&B Current Minimum Status" report
Q: Is there a way for my customers to check their own minimum status without needing to come or call in?
A: Yes, as long as they have access to the online customer/booking portal when they log in using their username and password, they will want to click on "My Account" in the top right, and in the lefthand column, they will see an option "Minimum Spending" that they can click on to check their current minimum status
Q: If I use a quarterly or yearly minimum, can I get my customer's current minimum status to be included on their monthly statement?
A: Yes, you will need to adjust the settings on the billing template that is controlling the statement generation for your customers and check the box "Include customer minimum status"
If you have any further questions, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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