The foreUP Tee Sheet allows for highlights to be placed on the front 9 and back 9. Highlighting the tee sheet can help make specific parameters of tee times available at a glance.
Preconditions are the necessary settings, permissions, and items created in your software to allow the feature to work.
- Access to the New Tee Sheet
- Tee Sheet settings in place
- Tee Time Increment
- Time to Finish 9 Holes
- Open and Close Time
- An existing Online Day Template
Follow the below steps to highlight the Tee Sheet:
- Click on the Top-left Module Dropdown Menu and click on the "Settings" module.
- Select “Tee Sheets” from the left column
- Edit your tee sheet by clicking on the Action dropdown button next to your tee sheet name and clicking "Edit".
- Once you are in your tee sheet settings, select the “Online Year Setup” tab.
- In the Online Year Setup tab, you will be able to create “day templates” with customized settings.
- Day templates can be applied to specific days in the Online Year Setup.
- Select "+ Add Day Template" or edit a day template that already exists using the Drop Down Arrow next to the already created template and select "Edit Day Template"
- Add a Day Template Name.
- This will not be visible to customers and will only be visible in the Online Year Setup.
- Add a Day Template Color.
- This will not be visible to customers and will only be visible in the Online Year Setup.
- Set your “Default” timeframe. The settings made in this timeframe will only apply if you do not have a custom timeframe during a certain part of the day.
- Select “Add Timeframe” to create a custom timeframe.
- Set the desired timeframes Start Time
In this example, we will be using 7 am as a starting time. Please adjust the setting as desired. - Set the desired timeframes End Time
In this example, we will be using 9 am as an end time. Please adjust the setting as desired. - Optional: Adjust the Increment Override if you would like to have a different tee time increments for this timeframe.
- Note: This will not modify the open or close time of the tee sheet
- Customize the Label and Color of the timeframe for the front 9 and back 9 as desired. This will appear in the highlights applied to the designated timeframe.
- Click "Save". Your Highlight will now show up on the designated timeframes on days that your Day Template has been assigned.
Q: What other material related to Online Day Templates is available?
A: Please see these additional articles:
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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