Text Marketing allows the ability for you to send texts to individual customers in the form of "Two-Way Texting". Two-Way texting is considered a "Customer Care" text and does not count towards your Monthly Text Limit.
- Access to the following modules:
- Marketing
- Customers
- Customer(s) must have opted in to text marketing. In order to send text messages for marketing purposes, your company first needs to be verified in compliance with recent telecommunication regulations. Please see the article How to Apply for Business Verification for Text Marketing for instructions.
- Customer(s) must have opted in to Customer Care campaigns in the “Email & Text Subscriptions” section of the Customer Portal. Please see the article How to Get Your Customers to Opt-in to Text Marketing for more information regarding customer(s) opting in.
Important Information:
With the early 2023 10DLC SMS Compliance changes around text marketing, businesses are required to go through a business verification process in order to send marketing texts to their customers. Along with this change, the phone number from which your text messages will be sent has to be a local, 10-digit number.
Text marketing is split into two different categories: Promotional and Customer Care. Your golf course through the foreUP software, after business verification has been completed, will be assigned two separate local phone numbers for each type of text marketing category. PLEATE NOTE: This means your customers will need to opt into both types of text marketing numbers/categories in order to receive both types of marketing texts.
- Promotional - Text messages sent from the Marketing modules "New Text Campaign" are considered promotional texts and DO count towards your monthly text limits.
- Customer Care - Two Way Texting, Tee Time Text Reminders, and Contacting the Tee Sheet by Text are considered customer care texts and DO NOT count towards your monthly text limits.
Follow the below steps to Send Two-Way Texting:
- Go to the Customers module.
- Search or select the Customer that you want to send a Two-Way text to.
- Click on the "Communications" tab.
- In the Text Messenger you will be able to compose a text message to the selected customer. After you have completed your text, click "Send". In order to send a text message to the customer, they must be opted into Customer Care Campaigns. This can easily be checked on this page by viewing their “Subscription Status” on this page. If there is a checkmark next to “Text Customer Care Subscribed” they have already opted in and you can send a text to them.
- In the Text Messenger you will be able to compose a text message to the selected customer. After you have completed your text, click "Send".
- If a customer texts you back you will receive a notification in the top-right. (NOTE: You can toggle on an audio alert)
Q: How do I get my business verified for text marketing?
A: Please see the article How to Apply for Business Verification for Text Marketing for instructions.
Q: How do I get my customers opted in for text marketing?
A: Please see the article How to Get Your Customers to Opt-in to Text Marketing for more information.
Q: Are there other ways to text a customer?
A: Yes! Please see the article How to Create and Send a Text Marketing Campaign
Q: Can I setup tee time reminders by text?
A: Yes! Please see the article How to Send Tee Time Text Reminders.
Q: How do I contact golfers on my tee sheet by text message to provide updates regarding their tee times?
A: Please see the article How to Contact the Tee Sheet by Text Message for more information.
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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