This article will walk you through deleting a gift card from your foreUP account that had been previously issued or sold. This will not delete the Gift Card inventory item, but rather it will remove a Gift Card that has been issued but you may not want to be valid anymore.
Preconditions are the necessary settings, permissions, and items created in your software to allow the feature to work.
- Must have access to the Gift Cards Module
- Must have a previously issued gift card
Follow the below steps to delete a gift card:
1. Go to the Gift Cards module.
2. Click the "Check Box" to the left of each gift card that needs to be deleted.
3. After checking boxes, click the "Delete" button (found on the left side of the page).
4. Confirm your deletion.
***If you need to order cards, visit foreUP's partner www.plasticresource.com.
For further assistance, please contact our Support Team at support@foreup.com or 800-929-5737
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